Sunday, October 5, 2008

Soul-Energy-Atma. Journey from I to We to Thee

This is an E mail I wrote on July 4, 2005

Dear Sai Athma Ramesh:

By Baba's grace, we were fortunate have "Satsang" and share spiritual experiences, last evening. Many thanks for telling me about "KrishnaDas".

The following ideas come to me after we spoke.

1. We accept that we are "Athmas", I am prompted to refer it as "SAI ATHMA".

2. From Birth in this life, beginning with infant/toddler stage, we begin to dwell on "I" and "Mine" (body identification).

3. Teenage/Youth/marriage/adult stage, we move from "I" towards"We"/""US" stage, where we include our family/friends/cast/community/religious and professional affiliations etc. (i.e., we say "Our Family", "Our Community" etc., ).

4. Now comes harder part, where we have to move from "I" to "We" towards "Thee"(i.e., "DIVYA ATHMA SWAROOPA LALA" (Divine Embodiments of Love) - Reference to each one of us by our beloved "SWAMI" ) -(i.e. "Atma" stage-where we have to loose our body identification and begin to accept that we are not this Body, but "ATMA" and then to move to most difficult stage of seeing "SAI ATHMA" in every creation of Sai.

5. "Asa Thoma Sadgamaya prayer" (from untruth to truth, from darkenss to light and from death to immortality) helps us to understand this concept that "I am not this body, but atma" .

Thanks for Allowing for me to share these thoughts with you.

Thanking Sai for providing me with this insight,
SaiRajSai (7/4/05)

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