Sunday, October 5, 2008

Goal of Life - Live in God Consciousness

This is are some thoughts from 2006

Goal of Life

“Sri Sathya Sai Baba teaches that Man is Born to live a spiritual life and demonstrate the principles of Truth, Righteousness, Peace, selfless Love and Non-Violence.” (Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation).

Sanathan Sarathi Devoted to the Moral and Spiritual Uplift of Humanity through Sathya, Dharma, Santhi, Prema and Ahimsa. Live a life that reflects Swami’s life. Talk less. Do what you can, if you can in all situations.

“If we have the steadfastness, the enthusiasm, and the determination to reach our goal, we shall surely succeed”. Baba

Everything Happens According to the Will of God.

This journey is from nowhere to now here to no where. Everything is pre-determined according to our past actions. This life is journey of approximately 3,000 Sundays (if we live 60 years).

God’s grace can change our destiny. Example of Valmiki, robber turned to great sage who composed Ramayana. Angulimala was transformed by Buddha.

The body is a house given to you on rent. The owner is God. Live there as long as He wills, thanking Him and paying Him the rent of Faith and Devotion.
- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. X. p.274.

Get in touch with your feelings

“Good and bad lie in your mind; they are not outside. Hence, correct your feelings in the first instance. Get rid of all animal qualities so that humanness can blossom in you. If you notice even a trace of hatred in yourself, drive it away at once” (Baba).

“Get in touch with your feelings”(Das). Ed Bhavam Tad Bhavati (as is the feeling, so is the result-Baba).

Good Thoughts Leads to Good Actions

How do Sankalpas (thoughts) originate in your heart? They occur as per the Will of God. (Baba).

“See God in All. That is your primary Duty”. “Divine Embodiments of Love”. Manava (i.e, not new). “Develop virtues and lead an ideal life” (Baba).

Constant Integrated Awareness

Always be aware that I am Athma. I am spark of the divine. Athma is an eternal witness of all our thoughts, feelings, in actions and actions. “Present is the result of our past actions. Present is also the seed for our future”.

Everybody has 1,440 minutes in a day. Try to shift focus few of those minutes on God, who has given this life.

Pray and connect to God.

More you pray, More you play.

Sarvada, Sarva Kaleshu, Hari Chintana. Pray from your heart. Remember God in your daily activity.

Baba says “Take one step towards me. I will take 100 steps towards you”. Start thinking of Baba. Surround yourself with positive energy. Be an observer of God’s glory in people and nature. Find good in all things. Realize that everyone is needed to fulfill god’s plan of action. Play your part as parent, spouse, sibling, worker etc., and then exit. Do your best in each of the role you play and leave the rest to God. Then, life will become a pleasant journey. Then you can enjoy this experience.

Chant the Divine Name Wholeheartedly

“God responds according to your feelings towards Him. If you have Purna Bhakti (total devotion) and love God with all your heart, He will confer on you Purna Ananda (total bliss)”.

While doing prayer, Bhajan, Japa (recitation) and Dhayan (meditation), we should not think of anything else; out entire attention should be fixed on God only.

Pray and Communicate with Divinity - “God, forgive my mistakes and sins. Come into my life and save me”.


Gopi’s (Gopa-Secret). Keep you devotion secret. Do not Exhibit. Taste Sugar (Taste Devotion). Obsession with name and form of God is essential. “Intelligence (Buddhi) is not needed. What is needed is “Purity” (Shuddhi). (7/17/06).

Remember, God is in everything. God wants nothing from us except our love. We can speak with Him as our very best friend, confidante, teacher and healer. God does not want us to suffer. He loves us, He tells us: “Be happy!”

A smile, a touch, a decision to forgive, willingness to share, and the choice to live as One - these are the short steps to the Golden Age.

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