Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sai in My Life

Regarding Sai in my life - Written on July 28, 2006
My Mother had nurtured my spiritual life at a early age. She was a devotee of "Rama". My Dad worshiped "Shiva". Between ages 5 to 10, I was made to take part in all religious activity at a local Rama temple in my rural town near Mysore. Then, betwee ages 10 to 20 mostly I had to lead solitude life because, I had to help with various household chores, attend to farming work plus studies, drop my sister and brother to school (train journey from village to Mysore) no time for friends or sports. Age 20, in 1973 I ended up in Ann Arbor, USA staying for 1 year with my Brother and Sister-in-law. I met PRABHUPADA (founder of ISKON-Hare Krishna Movement).
From 1974, I am on my own, working and studying, shaping my destiny. During my Undergraduate Studies at Eastern Michigan University, I got exposed to Christian and Islamic faith, western life style, Swami Muktananda, Swami Chidvilasanada and finally Memorial Day weekend in 1979 SAI BABA entered my life at a Sai Retreat in St. Louis, Missouri.
From 1979 -1980 attended Sai Bhajans in Ann Arbor. In June 1980, I visited India first in 7 years. Visited Whitefiled--Sai Baba gave me interview, along with my Sister-in-law. I offered Garland to Sai. I sat next to Swami. Baba materialized Vibhuthi and Blessed me. This is the turning point in my life. From then on Swami has officially taken charge of my life. Returned from trip, passed C.P.A. exam, moved to Oklahoma. October 1980 to September 1992 lived in Oklahoma--Working full-time, Night Law School (daily driving 100 miles over 4 years), Marriage, 3 Children, became a Lawyer at age 33, worked as company lawyer for a fortune 100 company, President of Washington County Bar Association, Active in Jaycees, Toast Masters, C.P.A. Association, Board of Director of Young Lawyers Division of Oklahoma Bar Association --
In Summer 1981, I visited Swami in Puttaparthi and again on January 1, 1991 I visited Sai in Puttapathi. No Sai contact for next 10 years till 1991. November 1991, layoff, no job prospects. Started praying to Sai. Mailed more than 5,000 resumes. No Luck. September 1992, I and my son, Natraj, attended Sai Retreat in Dallas, TX. Theme "LOVE ALL, SERVE ALL". This message had profound impact on my life. In October 1992, I moved to New York. 1992-1993, I was attending Sai Bhajans 4 to 5 times per week. In November 1992, I got a job at Resoration Corporation (founded by Senator Bobby Kennedy). In 1993, family joined me. Another lay-off. Law parctice started in November 1993. February 1994, visited my mom, took her Kashi (Varanasi). Went to Puttaparthi and had Swami's darshan on Shivarathri. From 1995 to 1999, I was visiting Swami twice a year. In 1995 visit to Swami's hospital, I saw "Paropakar Idam Shariram" (this body is give to serve others). Huge impact on me. Visited Kanyakumari. In 1995, I attended 70th Birthday of Baba. Major transformation in my life. Another visit in 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2005.
Realization that we are not this body, but Atma. God lives within us as consciousness. Now, looking back, I realize how Swami has changed different events in my life especially beginning with his blessings in June 1980. Any good you see in me is owed to Swami. Bad qualities still in me is my fault, I am working on it. Day by day, my faith in Sai is growing. More you pray, More you play.
All the best,

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