Sunday, October 5, 2008


This is an E mail I wrote in Summer 2006

Dear Divine Souls:

Few Sai experiences on my trip--

1. I had dry cleaned my shirt at Istanbul hotel. I put the clothes in morning and received them back same night. I had forgotten all about a Vibhuthi packet in my shirt packet. Next day in the afternoon, I had knock on the door, while me and Shivi were napping. Hotel person brought back my "Dry Cleaned' Vibhuti packet. It was amazing to see that Vibhuti packet was intact with all the Vibhuti.

2. At Athena airport, prior to boarding our filght from Athens to Cairo, I lost our boarding passes. As usual, I put SOS call to Swami. We looked everywhere. Then, we went to Olympic Airlines counter, before we said anything, Lady at counter smiled and said Mr. Bhushan you lost your boarding card and told us to go to security desk. There, only one boarding card was given to us. We went back and forth between, Security and Olympic airlines, I explained we have lost 2nd boarding card and we have gotten back only one. After few minutes, lady asked us to go to another counter of another airlines, where we got back out 2nd boarding card, where someone had turned in. We got on the plane OK.

3. During the trip in Istanbul, Rev. Dr. David Morgan, Pastor of Presbeterian Church in Denever and his wife, Australian Couple and Newzeland Couple were with us. Imagine, Pastor (god man) was were tour companion.

4. I got to pray in the Mosque where Hussain's (Prophet Mohamed's son-in-law) tomb is kept. That mosque is closed to visitors. Myself and Shiv walked into mosque and were resting. After few minutes, I saw people going to inner chambers. I also went in. Some elderly man smiled and welcomed me. Surrounding Husain's tomb, lot of people were praying with great devotion and were submitting prayer requests. I sat down and said Sai Gaythri prayers silently. When, we walked out of this Mosque, our tour guide was surprised what I had been through, because only religious Muslims are allowed by Husain's tomb. It is like being to Mecca-Medina.

5. I also got pray at the famous Blue Mosque in Istanbul. Haga Sophia (Church built Emperor Constantine and then turned into Mosque by Ottoman empire).

6. I got to pray to Sai at various Greek temples - God Olumpus, Zeus, Apollo etc.,

7. I got pray to Sai at Mohammad Ali Mosque in Istanbul, at Hanging Church, Captor Church (built on cave where Mother Mary and Baby Jesus were in hiding during Roman time) and at a famous Synagogue in Istanbul (where Baby Moses was found from River Nile). Also, I got pray near pyramids of Sakhar and Giza.

Overall, it was truly spiritually uplifting experience to feel SARVA DHARMA aspect of Sai.

All the best,
Summer 2006

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