Saturday, April 16, 2016

A Dream to share ‪SSSBABA‬'s Teachings on Human Values (‪Truth‬,‪‎Rightconduct‬, ‪‎Peace‬, ‪‎Love‬ and ‪‎Nonviolence‬) in ‪‎NewYork City‬ came true on ‪90thBirhtdayofSSSBABA‬ 11/23/2015 

Sai Ram:

A Dream to share ‪#‎SSSBABA‬'s Teachings on Human Values (‪#‎Truth‬,‪#‎Rightconduct‬‪#‎Peace‬‪#‎Love‬ and ‪#‎Nonviolence‬) in ‪#‎NewYorkCity‬ came true on ‪#‎90thBirhtdayofSSSBABA‬. SAI inspired small effort to share Swami's message to Non-Sai World.
Meditation @ UN Prayer Room and announcing Proclamation and Citation for honoring Sathya Sai Baba's 90th birthday and his teachings as - "International Day of Human Values" by International Gurukula Community, World Yoga Community leaders and President of the Brooklyn Borough, New York.

MyBirthday offering to #SSSBABA - "Cherish Moments with Sai". "Celebrate His Life & Legacy". Follow HIS Teaching "Love One & All", "Give All Glory to Sai", moment by moment". #praisegodoneandall#unityoffaiths #1ForAll #BrotherOneness #nyc11/22/2015

My list on "What Makes Me Happy" = April 10, 2016
1. "Smile often" and laugh @ my own short comings".
2. "Use every opportunity to Uplift someone's spirit".
3. "Accept God's Will". In Every situation, say "It is Good for Me".
4. "Build Strong Relationship with my chosen God".
5. "Pray and make Deposit in my Spiritual Bank Account".
6. "Live in Attitude of Gratitude".
7. "Give All Glory to God".
8. "Accept Self and Others".
9. "Live modestly, with minimum Wants and Desires".
10. "Avoid Confrontation. Compromise".
Essence of Spirituality to Experience Peace, Love and Joy by BrotherOneness – April 16, 2016
In Internet age, we do not have time to read volumes of Books and/or to practice Religious Rituals.
By Divine Grace of Universal Creator (worshiped by many names – Allah, Buddha, Jesus, Rama, Krishna, Shiva, and Zhorastra etc.) and Prompting, an attempt is made to summarize Essence of Spirituality.

1. Purpose of this Life - "To Give & Receive GOD’s Unconditional Love". “Everyone is Divine. Help One Another to Discover Divinity within".

2. Spiritual Goal - Be GOD Dependent - "Only Ask GOD". "Only Be Dependent on GOD". 
Oh GOD, Make me your instrument. "Use Me" as you wish.
"Help Me Change Direction of Desire from Worldly to Godly".
"Let Light in Each One, Shine Brighter & Brighter".
GOD "Let your Name & Form be Ever Present in My Mind’s Eye".
GOD, increase my Divine Love.
GOD allow our MINDS to expand to be ALL INCLUSIVE and to WELCOME ONE AND ALL. Bless EVERYONE.
GOD Bless EACH and EVERY ONE to be KIND and LOVING towards EACH OTHER.

3. Spiritual Aspirations - "Live up to GOD’s Expectation (Be Embodiment of HIS LOVE).
Re-group, Jump Start & Charge ahead to Promote Divine Principles – Peace, Love and Compassion".

"Always Be Thankful to GOD. Count All the Blessings. Give All Glory to GOD".
Our "Soul" Connection to GOD is Everlasting. Our "Bodily" connection to GOD is limited to this Life.
"Be intimate with God. Spend more time with God in Prayers".
"Be Compassionate to Each Other".
"Be Happy. Make Other's Happy"
GOD Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. I desire Nothing, but You. 

4. Spiritual Affirmation - "Yes, I Can, I will, I must, I Should BE HAPPY". “I am Embodiment of Truth. I am Embodiment of Love. I am Embodiment of Peace”

5. Ideas for Spiritual Progress –
"Avoid Self-analysis, Self-criticism, Self-Pity, Self-Destruction, and Self-Discrimination".
"Avoid seeking Reward, Recognition & Validation from World".
"Think Less. Talk Less. Pray More. Love More".
"Don't Ask. Don't Tell".
"Solitude, Smile & Surrender (SSS)".
"Diffuse Tension. Resolve Conflict. Be Voice of Consensus. Help to see Good in all situation".
"Expand, Include & Embrace One & All".
"Detach from World. Attach to GOD of your Choice". "Purify Heart. Eliminate Attachment & Hatred. Intensify Devotion"
"Be @ Peace". Let us Donate our Peace to All and Send Positive Vibrations-
Check Your "Spiritual Bank Balance" with God's Bank. God is a Perfect Accountant. God keeps track of Everything. Good Thoughts, Words and Deeds are Deposits. Bad Thoughts, Words and Deeds are Withdrawals.
May we Improve our "Spiritual Bank Balance" to receive God's Grace.
"Constant Integrated Awareness" of who we are (i.e. Atma Not Body) will set us Free. 
Let US Stay Connected to GOD of Your Choice through PRAYERS.


Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year’s Resolution for 2010

New Year’s Resolution for 2010

GOAL - Be Happy and Make Others Happy by practice of intense Love of God.

HOW? –
A. By Spending More time with Sai (God Madness is better).
B. Practice Swami’s Teachings (Love All, Serve All. Help Ever and Hurt Never).

A. Spend More time with Sai (Implement 9 point Devotion to SAI – listening, chanting, salutation, worship, service, friendship and surrender - in my life).

1. Think of Swami anytime, anywhere and everywhere (Do not Waste Time).
2. Think of Swami at least 1 time during the hour.
3. Write Sai Ram at least 12 times in a day.
4. Listen to Radio Sai at least 1 hour/day.
5. Attend Sai Center Meeting at least 1 time/week.
6. Attend Sai Retreat/Silent Retreat/Spiritual events.
7. Attend any type of Satsangh – Temple, Gurdwara, Church, Mosque.
8. Listen to Sai Experiences.
9. Send positive/uplifting message via email.
10. Pray Often and Practice more Silence.
11. Contemplate on Sai’ Unconditional Love – Feel Love and Share Love.
12. Give All Glory to God.

B. Practice Swami’s Teachings (Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi, Prema and Ahimsa)

1. Fulfill my Personal and Professional Obligations with more Love.
2. Avoid Gossip at all times and Stop commenting on people.
3. Radiate Swami’s Love – Smile often, Look in the Eye, Listen more and talk less, and give Hugs (if appropriate).
4. Pray for others (Samastha Loka Sukunio Bhavantu).
5. Avoid complaining and Maintain Attitude of Gratitude (say Thanks more often)
6. Eat Less (Do not Waste Food).
7. Speak Softly and Sweetly.
8. Work on Sense Control and Practice Thought Management.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Om Sai Ram - New Year Message From Sathy Sai Baba

Dear One
Be Blessed
Om Sai Ram

From the new year, you have to understand the true meaning of humanness and transform your life. You will then be true servants of the nation. Play your part in every field of public life, keeping your heart pure and unsullied.
Students! Remember that you are in a "golden age" in your lives. Do not waste it. Do your duty. Love and revere your parents. Serve society. Adhere to the good qualities associated with right education. Be happy and make others happy (This is my New Year's Resolution).
From this new year onward, when students cultivate humility, reverence for elders, and love toward all, I shall feel very happy.
This is New Year Day, according to the Gregorian calendar. We have other New Year days according to the practice in different parts of the country. There is no need to bother about the year as such. Devote every moment to actions that will please God. Develop love for God, which will confer every blessing on you. This is exemplified by the life of Harischandra. He sacrificed everything in the cause of truth, and ultimately he got back everything by the grace of God.
On this New Year Day, I wish you all every happiness and prosperity. The ancients used to bless those who came to them with long lives of 100 years and good health. They wished the people long life so that they may lead worthy lives. Lead a long life, happy life, peaceful life, loving life, and divine life. Redeem your lives by practicing Divine Love.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sai in My Life

Regarding Sai in my life - Written on July 28, 2006
My Mother had nurtured my spiritual life at a early age. She was a devotee of "Rama". My Dad worshiped "Shiva". Between ages 5 to 10, I was made to take part in all religious activity at a local Rama temple in my rural town near Mysore. Then, betwee ages 10 to 20 mostly I had to lead solitude life because, I had to help with various household chores, attend to farming work plus studies, drop my sister and brother to school (train journey from village to Mysore) no time for friends or sports. Age 20, in 1973 I ended up in Ann Arbor, USA staying for 1 year with my Brother and Sister-in-law. I met PRABHUPADA (founder of ISKON-Hare Krishna Movement).
From 1974, I am on my own, working and studying, shaping my destiny. During my Undergraduate Studies at Eastern Michigan University, I got exposed to Christian and Islamic faith, western life style, Swami Muktananda, Swami Chidvilasanada and finally Memorial Day weekend in 1979 SAI BABA entered my life at a Sai Retreat in St. Louis, Missouri.
From 1979 -1980 attended Sai Bhajans in Ann Arbor. In June 1980, I visited India first in 7 years. Visited Whitefiled--Sai Baba gave me interview, along with my Sister-in-law. I offered Garland to Sai. I sat next to Swami. Baba materialized Vibhuthi and Blessed me. This is the turning point in my life. From then on Swami has officially taken charge of my life. Returned from trip, passed C.P.A. exam, moved to Oklahoma. October 1980 to September 1992 lived in Oklahoma--Working full-time, Night Law School (daily driving 100 miles over 4 years), Marriage, 3 Children, became a Lawyer at age 33, worked as company lawyer for a fortune 100 company, President of Washington County Bar Association, Active in Jaycees, Toast Masters, C.P.A. Association, Board of Director of Young Lawyers Division of Oklahoma Bar Association --
In Summer 1981, I visited Swami in Puttaparthi and again on January 1, 1991 I visited Sai in Puttapathi. No Sai contact for next 10 years till 1991. November 1991, layoff, no job prospects. Started praying to Sai. Mailed more than 5,000 resumes. No Luck. September 1992, I and my son, Natraj, attended Sai Retreat in Dallas, TX. Theme "LOVE ALL, SERVE ALL". This message had profound impact on my life. In October 1992, I moved to New York. 1992-1993, I was attending Sai Bhajans 4 to 5 times per week. In November 1992, I got a job at Resoration Corporation (founded by Senator Bobby Kennedy). In 1993, family joined me. Another lay-off. Law parctice started in November 1993. February 1994, visited my mom, took her Kashi (Varanasi). Went to Puttaparthi and had Swami's darshan on Shivarathri. From 1995 to 1999, I was visiting Swami twice a year. In 1995 visit to Swami's hospital, I saw "Paropakar Idam Shariram" (this body is give to serve others). Huge impact on me. Visited Kanyakumari. In 1995, I attended 70th Birthday of Baba. Major transformation in my life. Another visit in 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2005.
Realization that we are not this body, but Atma. God lives within us as consciousness. Now, looking back, I realize how Swami has changed different events in my life especially beginning with his blessings in June 1980. Any good you see in me is owed to Swami. Bad qualities still in me is my fault, I am working on it. Day by day, my faith in Sai is growing. More you pray, More you play.
All the best,

Monday, January 19, 2009

Our Goal of Life is to Expereince and Share God's Love

Dear One:

Painful or Difficult Situation is a Fact of Life:

Our Life is a product of our actions, reactions and inactions. "As we sow, so we reap". "With every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction", Swami says, "present is the result of our past" (not only this life, but many, many lives we have lived). So, do not focus on painful or difficult situation, but pray to God for strength and courage to cope with painful or difficult situation.

Death is a Fact of Life:

Death is a fact of life. At death, we cannot take anything with us. People, Property, Position all ends at death. At death, Life force (referred to as Light, Atma, Energy etc., ) leaves the body and goes to join another life. After death, Body is either cremated or buried. We never receive a call from the departed as to where they went and how they are doing. So, what is the Goal of Life?

Goal of Human Life:

Goal of human life is not Eating, Drinking, Sleeping, and Dying. Animals also lead same life. As Humans, God has given mind and thinking power, which make us unique from all of his creations. God says that Humans are his crow jewel in his creation.

As we began asking the question, who am I? Why am I put in this universe? All spiritual seekers have found the answer that we are not this body but Soul (i.e. Atma, Light, energy)that leaves the body at death.

At birth, we do not know where we came from and why we are born in a particular family with unique, geographical, social and economic situation.

As we progress from childhood, adult life and and old age, we become gradually attached to our family and surroundings. "Me and Mine" overpowers our existence. "Me and Mine" feelings lead to pain and pleasure.

Search for permanent Happiness continues. Then, we come to realization as to what Swami has said that "Happiness is Union with God". This is because, our Soul is yearning to merge with Super Soul (i.e., merging of Atma with Paramata).

Life Force is a Gift of God:

Life force makes us function this body identified by a name given to us by our parents - unseen force make us think, act, move around, communicate, digest food, keep heart beating etc., Life Force is a gift from God ( referred as Super Power, Major force behind Life force, Big man upstairs etc.,) given to us to experience ONENESS since Life Force is present in all God's creation.

Goal of Life is to Experience and Share God's Love:

Since God has given us Life Force, we are part of GOD. That is why Swami tells us "Divine Embodiment of Love", "You are God, I am God, you do not know it, I know that I am God".

So, Goal of Life, is to offer immense Thanks to GOD. This is done by constantly remembering God - Listening, Singing, Chanting and Serving. Goal of Life is to Experience God's Love and Share His LoveGod is our true friend.

Power, Position, Property, Fame, Fortune, and Family all Fade's away over time. So, Constantly remember GOD. Thank God Profusely.

Think of God, anywhere, everywhere, and all the time.

With intense Love of God, we experience his LOVE (i.e., his Gift of Life Force to us and ability to experience LOVE). Then, "Contentment" feeling takes over and "Me and Mine" feelings subside.

As we experience GOD's LOVE, we have to share it with all who come in our path (i.e., Family, Friends, Neighbors, Co-workers, and Strangers).

We share God's Love by listening, giving, forgiving, accepting, and sharing.

May You Experience God's Love and Share His Love.


January 19, 2009